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  • Technical How To
    • ILS capture
    • both APs (CAT IIIB)
    • FMA Info during the approach
      • LOC / GS
      • LAND (350ft)
      • FLARE (30ft)
      • ROLL OUT (nosewheel touchdown)
    • Crosswind correction / de-crabbing (~20ft)
    • Retard callout
    • Limits (<CAT IIIB)
    • Minimums (<CAT IIIB)
    • STATUS PAGE check for downgrades of CAT
    • Downgrade audio alarm
    • AUTOLAND alarm
    • GO AROUND conditions
    • PF/PM Call outs
    • Checks after touchdown
  • Real World considerations
    • When is it used in real life
    • Pilot training and certifications required
    • Airport readiness / airport need to prepare low vis procedures
    • Summary
      • Check aircraft, crew and airport capability
      • Minima - CAT??
      • both AP
      • Monitor FMAs
      • be prepared to GA any time if aircraft does not behave as expected


  • not used everytime - in fact rarely
  • more stressful for pilots than normal landings
  • pilot is always responsible and needs to be prepared to GA any time if aircraft does not behave as expected
  • should not replace learning how to land manually!
  • PM looks outside, PF looks to instruments

Real World Considerations

When to Use Autoland

  • weather conditions
  • pilot training - pilots need to do this regularly to keep certification
    • 2 times a year in simulator in Germany

Crew Requirements

  • training and certification

Airport Requirements

  • CAT III ???
  • ???

Autoland HowTo


  • Check aircraft, crew and airport capability
  • Check Limitations - cross winds
  • Check aircraft status
  • Minima - CAT??

ILS Approach

  • normal ILS plus dual AP

FMA Annunciations

  • AP 1+2
  • A/THR
  • CAT IIIB (alarm when downgraded)
  • LOC / G/S

  • LAND (350ft)

  • FLARE (30ft)
  • THRUST IDLE (30ft)
  • ROLL OUT (nosewheel touchdown)

Crew Checks and Callouts

  • LOC / GS
  • LAND (350ft)
  • FLARE (30ft)
  • THRUST IDLE (30ft)
    • Retard Callout (10ft)
  • Touchdown:
    • Spoilers
    • Reversers
    • Descel
  • ROLL OUT (nosewheel touchdown)

Flow From 1000ft

  • step by step pilot (PF) actions

Go Around

  • when
  • how

When Things go Wrong

  • fly manually
  • do go around


  • CAT II/CAT III holding points on ground

Last update: January 3, 2022
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